Words I wrote this week (through Sunday): 1,140 (Not a lot...many things happened over the weekend.)
Scenes worked on this week: Ballroom scene (#1)
Best Snippets: "If only their conversation sparkled as much as their wardrobe." In reference to someone's face: "That was a shame." [Yes. WAS. Take that, Laura ;)] [Also credit for this line totally goes to Bill]
Meet the (main) cast:
Kelisin (Kel)
Briara (Bria)
Teoden (Teo)
Meet the supporting cast (at least, the ones who appear in the bits I've worked on):
Petar and Leslin
I'm going to be updating the blog sidebars only once a week - it's too much of a pain to do more often. If you want daily progress updates, check out my wordcount here:
Great stuff - keep it coming!!