Friday, September 21, 2012

In which Faith uses a Bad Word

I sat down with the intention of writing that post on rereading that I said I was going to write like two weeks ago, only to discover that I actually don't have enough to say for an entire post. I mean, I probably could get an entire post on it if I tried but seeing as I've been putting it off for so long obviously it's not going to happen. So instead, a series of comments, starting with rereading and ending with blog things:

1. Rereading is totally acceptable, and I will happily ignore those people who don't understand my desire to reenter worlds that have particularly engaged me and revisit characters who I've particularly identified with.

2. Sometimes I reread a book from a long time ago and I have changed so much that I no longer feel the same way about it. This usually happens when I'm rereading a book with writing flaws (info dumps, flat characters) that I was too young to notice the first time around. I find that I'm a much more critical reader than I was (though not as critical as many).

3. A section of the princess plot decided to make itself known to me yesterday. Progress! And yet, a lot of work remains to be done.

4. I will be doing NaNo this year, although I will almost definitely be participating with a reduced word count goal. I shall consider myself a winner if I get, let's say (excuse me while I do some math here)...15,000 words, a.k.a. 500 words a day. This is kind of a low bar but A) I have waaaaay to much work this semester, seriously it's insane and possibly unconstitutional, and B) then I can be pleasantly surprised and feel all proud of myself if I write more!

5. I may have said this already (I forget) but the progress bars will be staying exactly the way they are until I get out of the planning stage and into the writing. I don't even know how to begin estimating percentage completion for world building, when I won't know how much I need to do until I've already done it!

6. Marvin posts are now scheduled to run on Wednesdays from next Wednesday  until it's done. There are a lot left so it should last a while. Will there ever be a Marvin sequel? I really don't know. Perhaps a Freddy spinoff? [EDIT: Marvin will run once a week until February, at which point it will speed up so certain significant installments coincide with Valentine's day and my birthday]

7. I have a confession to make. I AM A BOOK GIVEAWAY WHORE. (There's your language). I appear to have notoriously bad luck in anything chance related that has to do with winning things (I'm looking at you, Urban NY), but I figure if I enter every single one I come across, I will eventually win something! Probably. Hopefully. Maybe. Knowing my luck, not until I'm 80. Anyway the point is that means my twitter is currently almost nothing but tweets/retweets about giveaways, which is usually counts as an additional entry. So yeah, I will at some point attempt to tweet more other things so that my twitter is not just a giveaway entry machine, but:

8. This is the order of things which I do: 1. Homework (at least in theory), 2. Writing, 3. Ballet, 4. Reading, 5. Other fun self-fulfilling things, like photography, or talking to other humans, or eating food, 6. Sleeping, 7. Blogging, and finally 8. Twitter. So, priorities being what they are, you understand why the blog has such long gaps between posts and the twitter is mostly barren.


  1. 1) Totally agreed!
    2) *sad nod*
    3) Horray!
    4) If you need a NaNo home, we have a few folks participating in the Saucy Ink forums. =]
    5) I know exactly what you mean.
    6) Yay scheduled posts!
    7) I AM TOO. I mean, I won once? But it was a 5 book giveaway and only 2 people entered, so...yeah. I don't think that counts.
    8) Good priorities!

  2. Only two entries?? Where can I find these? But actually, We shall see if I ever win anything ever.

    And I shall probably hop over to Saucy Ink at some point :)
