Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NaNo 2011 Day 1

1,785 words


The lion’s eyes were yellow and hungry. 

Shakily, she stood up, and raised her sword to salute the cheering crowd. 

It was very possible that she wouldn’t survive another fight. But the gates on the far side of the arena were already opening.

“Did you honestly think I would free you? When you earn me more money than all the others? Stupid girl.”
Now she was angry. Kel pushed away from the wooden pole, her fear forgotten. “I think you’re forgetting something, Kaspar,” she said. Kaspar missed the warning note to her voice, smiling and coming closer to grab her chin with his hand. He tilted her face up to his and leaned in close.
“And what is that, my darling lioness?” He breathed.

He started to leave the room, then turned back as a though struck him. “And find her some clothes.”

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