Friday, June 28, 2013

Pintrest, but with words

I'm forever coming across things - bits of dialogue, story kernels, names, phrases - which I want to keep, thinking that one day they may make it into my writing. They pop into my head unbidden, or I overhear them on the subway/bus, or I read them in a book/newspaper/magazine/whatever and don't want to let them go.

It's like Pintrest, but with words instead of pictures.

I'm hardly the only writer who does this. Part of writing is being open to inspiration, and this is one way - a good way - to do it.

So I present to you some bits and pieces I've collected semi-recently.

Two lanterns burning and no ship at sea

What if everyone in the world had a fairy godmother except for you?

ASPCA investigator for aliens

Six-toed cats are lucky (like Flanders)

Cathedrals of sound

Dwindle, Peak, and Pine, Esquires
Personal Injury lawyers specializing in prophetic malpractice

And my personal favorite:

"Your shower smells like death."
"That's because there's a vampire roosting in it."

That one, by the way, comes from real life. My shower currently smells like something died in it, despite the fact that I haven't used it for 3-4 years, and I am not amused.


  1. I like it - where do you save these snippets?

    P.S. about your shower: if it has not been used in a long time, the trap may have dried out which allows some really not nice things to drift out of the drain. Have you run water into it recently?

    1. Mostly in my writing notebook(s), but I have some in my phone from times when I didn't have a notebook with me.

      As for the shower, I called one of the building guys to come look at it and that's exactly what he said. Ran some water and it's fine now.

      Although I still like the vampire version better :)
