Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cookies! (and Newton's 1st law)

Oh WOW have I been bad. It's been nearly a month since I graced my (non-existent I'm sure) audience with my presence!

To be fair, I have been trying to adjust to this whole college-living-on-my-own-HEY-THAT'S-A-LOT-OF-READING-what-I-have-an-essay-due-already? dynamic, plus NUTCRACKER HAS STARTED.

Nutcracker is my life.

But Nutcracker is for another post (Tomorrow? Maybe if I alternate nut posts with writing posts I'll be on here more - I LOVE talking about nut). Right now I want to focus on another idea - momentum.

"Inertia is the death of creativity. You have to keep moving, keep making. So much of making art is muscle memory, keeping your routine…"

I stole this from somewhere on this website, I think, and if I didn't go look at the website anyway cause it's cool. I read that and thought YES. That is the crux of the problem, isn't it? Inertia. Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. (Little mini physics lesson there)

I was doing so well with my whole 750 words thing. I was writing every day. And then, I missed a day because I went out to dinner with some family friends and didn't get back until 1 in the morning.

The next day, I didn't write.

I thought, it's okay that I miss another day, I've already broken my streak, I can start back tomorrow.
Guess what happened the next day?

It's hard to keep doing something, day after day, but it's even harder to stop and then start again. It's easy to stop doing something and then keep not doing it. What a vicious cycle...


You ask, skeptically, (or maybe you don't, but for the sake of argument let's say you do):

"What makes today different from any other day?"

Two reasons. One, I've acknowledged my problem and consciously decided to change my pattern of behavior. Two, I'm bribing myself with cookies :)

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