Word count: 7860
Current Scene: 3
Current Chapter: back to 1 again
Characters Killed; 0...but getting closer
Summary: Our four travellers (Robin, Dorstan, Halle, Teren) head out with the dawn. There's some tension between Teren and everybody because he's a pain in the ass. As they're riding, they hear a rustle in the bushes. A young girl runs out in front of them on the road, sees them, and takes off. Robin, being the gentleman that he is, goes after her. They catch up and it turns out she's from a nearby village that has been attacked by bandits and she is the sole survivor that we know of.
- small gap because I was loosing steam on this part -
It's decided that Ithelle (that's the girl's name) should go with them because really, what else is she going to do? They try to return to the road. Robin soon realizes that the forest, being magical, is changing every second and they're all totally lost. cue dramatic music.
I also added an Interlude between scenes 2 and 3. An interlude, in my novel at least, is mini-scene, written in first person (the rest of the novel is in 3rd), and written much more in a stream-of-consciousness style. I don't know if they'll make it into the final draft but for now they're helping me with character development and they're easy to write (and therefore boost my wordcount)...
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