Friday, October 12, 2012

In Which I Feel Freaking Amazing

I am totally, completely and utterly IN LOVE with Princess.

I was planning on working through the NaNo prep posts in order, and I still am, but yesterday I was looking ahead to see what was coming up, and I saw a post about antagonists. And sudennly I was off and running, the ideas coming thick and fast and I almost couldn't keep up!

My evil king is now something other than the placeholder "evil". He has reasons for being the way he is. Those reasons make sense in the context of the world I've invented. They make him infinitely more interesting, cause now he's not just depraved, but insane, too. And as a bonus I get to hint at the ultimate antagonist of the series and based on an earlier event it MAKES SENSE THAT KEL WOULD SEE IT!

It all fits perfectly, like it is an actual, real, world and story and not something I'm making up in my head.

There will probably come a time when I'm stuck writing a hard scene and I will say to myself, "Why am I doing this?" And hopefully I can recapture the moment when it all came together and I ran around my dorm room (as much as it is possible to run around in a 200 sq ft room filled with dorm furniture) squealing and screaming "yes!" and generally making a fool of myself. I can only wonder at what the other people on my floor thought was happening.

In other news, I finally have a new pair of boots. I've been wanting a specific style of boots for a while now, and I finally found them! So that's good.

Also, my beautiful little doggy is sleeping next to me. Let's just say I'm in a good mood.

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